They liked the onion (2015) 28.5 x16x17cm, mixed media automaton
This automaton is from a series that looks at the spectacularisation and aestheticisation of Australian politics in the media. Each automaton refers to specific media events or what I perceive as constructed ‘images’ surrounding political figures that are circulated by mass and social media.
The work They liked the onion directly refers to the viral circulation of a six second Vine video uploaded by ABC News. It shows the then Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott biting into a raw, unpeeled onion [1]. The video’s viral spectatorship quickly informed media outlets nationally and internationally resulting in the production of media and television coverage.

With their dependence on participant interaction to animate the images, I was interested in how these objects draw the spectator in to become a participant in the spectacle making. I had hoped to use this to critically engage the participant to consider their role in the production and circulation of spectacles, particularly on social media.
[1] ABC News, “Prime Minister Tony Abbott eats an onion, skin and all, while touring an onion farm in Tasmania,” Vine, last modified 13 March 2015,